Monday, May 30, 2011

Best Upright Woode Floors

Bachelor # 3 My thesis show!

thesis is set out and delivered. Here are some pictures from my pressentasjon. I think it's really good and be done with the task. Otherwise, there has been an interesting experience to work with such a task, and only have the guidance of a teacher. All in all, I'm pretty happy with it all.
All attachments and reports, to be delivered. Sketchbook, report, log book and other attachments.

whole pressentasjonen.
Two versions of the same. One of typography and text, and one without.

My final illustrations.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Pilates To Correct Bow Legs

DT - Stamptacular Sunday Challenge

have been Sunday again and Stamptacular Sunday Challenge is ready with a new challenge.

This week's theme:

Bugs or boys

For this weeks challenge you goodwill CreateObject a card or project with Either BUGS BOYS or Wed it. Create a card with bothering you'll garden and your name ENTERED TWO TIMES Into this week's drawing for fabulous prizes Our !

I have made a birthday card.

I have masked Edvin from Magnolia and a stamp of a pirate treasure, I do not know manufacturer of this unfortunately. Papers are residual paper, but all are purchased at Bikuben. Edge-punch is from Martha Stewart. Lenka is from a reflex that was not in use. Eylet'ene purchased the hive. I have used staples, film strip from Tim Holtz. Text is purchased at Papirloftet .

Wish you a great Sunday!